Units preview for SGS – Afrika Korps : Tunisia

Preview of some graphics of the soldiers used for various units in this future wargame on the Tunisian Campaign, winter 1942 – spring 1943 : SGS – Afrika Korps : Tunisia.

Massi is a talented Italian artist who has been working with us for almost 8 years now, and has done hundreds of wonderful soldiers for our games.

Massi Del Bono – biography and links

“I was born in 1972 in Tuscany, Italy. I have always loved painting, both traditional and digital painting. In the 90s I got hooked on classic paper wargames, role-playing games and their wonderful illustrations. I love game counters (especially those aged by time, like squad leaders) in 2013 I started collaborating with Sliterine and AGEOD Game. And now I’m here with the Strategy Game Studio. I really love this job and the care with which these games are designed.”

His Facebook pageHis page on Deviant ArtHis page on Talent House

SGS Afrika Korps - Tunisia - Units