Here is a list of the games that will come in the SGS collection. Some are published, others in beta testing and have a rather advanced status; others are still on their way (see Future games).

SGS Afrika Korps

A game with 5 scenarios and 2 campaigns covering most of WW2 desert war in Libya and Egypt between 1941 and 1942. You can play the fabled Desert Fox and its Afrika Korps, with its Italian allies, or the British 8th Army and all the Commonwealth forces that opposed Rommel’s action in this unique theater of operations.

SGS Fall Blau

This covers essentially the German campaign of 1942 on the eastern front, towards Caucasus and the Volga. Players will try to do better than their historical counterparts, capturing and holding Stalingrad or the Caucasus oilfields as the Axis, or repulsing the enemy onslaught and winning the campaign as the Soviets. A specific scenario, at a different scale, will cover the battle of Stalingrad itself.

SGS Winter War

Winter War is the story of the Soviet onslaught on tiny Finland from November 1939 to March 1940, at the beginning of WW2. Can the Finns hold beyond the reasonable and receive the long awaited Allied intervention? Or will the Russian bear crush them and force them to lose their border lands?

SGS Winter War
SGS Fall Weiss - David Pentland

SGS Fall Weiss

On September 2, 1939, the Wehrmacht set off for Poland and in six weeks defeated its valiant opponent. It became known as the first Blitzkrieg. Will you be able to do as well at the head of the German forces? And if you play Poland, will you be able to block the advance of the enemy and delay the deadline until very late in the winter, changing the course of the war?

SGS Afrika Korps : Tunisia

This game is the sequel to the very successful SGS – Afrika Korps, and it allows players to continue the war, on the same scale, during the Tunisian campaign in 1943. You can continue to lead the Afrika Korps, or take control of the Allies and see how the newly-raised Americans fight when opposed to Axis veterans.

SGS Afrikakorps Tunisia - David Pentland
SGS Operation Hawaii

SGS Operation Hawaii

On December 7th, 1941, the Empire of Japan struck a surprise blow against unsuspecting American forces at Pearl Harbor, Hawaï. In the ensuing confusion and panic, the USA feared a Japanese invasion of Oahu island, but it fortunately did not materialize. But what would have happened if it had?

SGS Pacific D-Day

One game, five great battles of the last years of the Pacific War, where the US Marines gained even more glory, at the price of terrible losses. Relive the bloody assaults of Saipan, Tinian, Tarawa, Iwo Jima and Peleliu in this first installment on the epic land battles of the Pacific War. Both sides will be playable, each with their own challenge.

SGS Pacific D-Day
SGS Operation Downfall

SGS Operation Downfall

Project Manhattan failed! Operation Downfall, the Allied plan for the invasion of the Japanese home islands is set in motion. Start with Operation Olympic to capture Kyushu, and move on with Coronet, the landing near Tokyo. Force Japan surrender with the largest amphibious operation in history.

SGS Pacific D-Day – Okinawa

A standalone epic rendering of the 1945 bloody fighting on Okinawa, the last great battle of the Pacific War. The game is part of the Pacific D-Day collection. Both sides are playable, each with their own challenge.

SGS Pacific D-day - Okinawa
SGS Glory Recalled

SGS Glory Recalled

The Battle of Hong Kong (8–26 December 1941), also known as the Defence of Hong Kong and the Fall of Hong Kong, was one of the first battles of the Pacific War in World War II.

SGS Overlord

The largest amphibious operation of the Second World War, and a two-month campaign in the hell of the Norman bocage. Will you manage to make the decisive breakthrough before the Germans recover? Or will you succeed, as Rommel wanted, in crushing the Allied landing as close to the beaches as possible?

SGS Overlord - Artwork
SGS France 1940

SGS France 1940

On May 10, 1940, the Wehrmacht set launched its major assault on Netherlands, Belgium and France and in what is know as the most famous Blitzkrieg defeated its opponents in less than 2 months, shocking the whole world at the speed of which the former victor of WW1, the French Army, was decisively crushed.

Game created by the team that brought you SGS Fall Weiss, with tons of specific details and features. A true monster challenge.

SGS Battle of the Bulge

On 16 December 1944, under appalling weather conditions, the Germans launch their last major offensive in the West. Their goal: cut off the Allies from their sources of supply by taking Antwerp. To do so, they must break through the Ardennes salient, starting the battle of the Bulge…

The game is based on the same mechanisms as SGS Overlord (and done by Vincent Bernard, the SGS Overlord designer).

SGS - Battle of the Bulge
SGS Green Devils

SGS Green Devils

One game, with the big battles which saw the Green Devils (German paratroopers, Fallschirmjäger) in action. Relive the epic battles of Crete or Cassino. Hypothetical scenarios cover attacks that could have taken place in Malta, Cyprus or other locations.

The game scale is grand tactical and more in the spirit of our previous titles like SGS Pacific D-Day or SGS Glory Recalled.


SGS Avalanche

After the success of Anvil (the landing in Sicily), here is Avalanche, the Allied landing at the tip of the Italian boot. Will the Allies be able to break through, take Rome quickly and push the though the soft underbelly of the enemy? Or will the relentless resistance of the Germans along fearsome lines of defense barring the peninsula be enough to transform the operation into a strategic failure?


SGS Avalanche
SGS Seelowe

SGS Seelowe

What if the Germans had won the Battle of Britain in the summer of 1940 and decided to execute their planned land invasion of Britain, code-named ‘Operation Sealion’ in September 1940.

The game explores this invasion and the potential British defense, in a gameplay and scale similar to the one used in our previous title SGS Overlord.