Number of Players and Multiplayer
Number of players
Most SGS scenarios have been created for 2 players. You can select the side played in the second page of the scenario menu. See Illustration 6.1

For the moment, this version of SGS handles only the multi players Hot Seat version (i.e. the 2 players will alternate on the same PC).

The game can be played by email (PBEM for short). In the scenario menu, you can select a PBEM opponent by clicking on the envelope icon under the flag of the second side (as in Illustration 6.1 above)
Note that PBEM games are always started by the first player in the scenario. If you want to PBEM the other side, just let your partner start the game.
A separate instructions document is provided in the game and can be viewed in PDF format from the Options in the main menu. This document’s content is also displayed in the Appendices of the current manual. When playing PBEM, the non-active player’s Battle cards (those played during battles by the defender) are chosen and played by the AI. We have not yet implemented an option that will allow a player to pre-assign battle cards in PBEM games. .