SGS Battle For Dien Bien Phu is the fourth game of the now well-established SGS Battle Series, covering intense fights and battles in well know (or not) small but fighting-heavy locations ; ‘grand’ tactical’ scale for regiment, battalion, company and even platoon-size units (depending on the games) and game turns which represent a very short real period of time (one or two days, half a day, a few hours…).

SGS Battle for Dien Bien Phu


In this specific game, units are mostly company (French) or battalion-size (Vietminh). They confront each other in almost WW1-like position warfare focusing on the various ‘Point d’Appuis’ (strongpoints) created by the French around the center of the valley. The map cut is sometimes unusual in terms of shape, allowing us to represent the effect of the field of fire of the defensive artillery, mortars and machine-guns. Also, “off map boxes” are integrated to represent more distant areas and, most important of all, the source and supply network of the Vietminh (the control of which is crucial to ensure victory in an otherwise long battle of artillery and attrition). Each turn is three days.

The game consists mainly of ground units and some French air units. Many units are also to be seen more as support assets or elements to boost the efense (mostly) or the attack (sometimes)

All the types of units present at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 appear in the game: armored vehicles, paratroopers, maquis (a.k.a. guerrillas), infantry and militia, engineers, artillery and even a few unique assets or weapons.

Estimated Playtime: from 1h to many hours… with great replayability.

Favored Side / hardest to play: depending on the scenario played and in the campaign it can alternate, being harder for one side at one point in the game before becoming easier (and harder for the opposing side). French are on the defensive (but still can make some counter-attacks, or harass VM supply lines), while the brunt of the assault and conquest bear on the Vietminh.

SGS Battle for Dien Bien Phu
SGS Battle for Dien Bien Phu – French Inf. Paratroopers

One of the many particularities of the SGS Battle series compared to other SGS relates to a unit activation system which means that not all units will necessarily be able to move and fight in a turn. This will only be possible for them if they have been activated. And depending on the battles or the episodes during them, the activation limits will be more or less important.

Dien Bien Phu is a very remarkable battle on many aspects, and not only because it ended the Indochina War (1946-1954). It was also the first clear victory of the revolutionaries in the post-WW2 conflicts over decolonization. You can play both side, French or Vietminh (the Communist Vietnamese liberation movement) ; against another player in PBEM, or against the AI.

SGS Battle For Dien Bien Phu covers the complete period of the battle, from March till May of 1954 (the battle as a whole extends from March 13, 1954 May 7, 1954). That is to say that some of the initial operations are covered, not only the actual siege itself.

SGS Battle for Dien Bien Phu
SGS Battle for Dien Bien Phu – Vietnam Inf. Regular

When the game ends, there must be a victor. Either the besieged French CEFEO (Corps Expeditionnaire Français d’Extreme-Orient) troops have withstood the onslaught and still hold on the camp, having bloodied their opponent’s main battle force, and it that case the negotiating position of France at the Geneva Peace Conference will be stronger. Or the Vietminh (VM) forces, as historically, seize the whole fortified area and capture the surviving enemy, inflicting a terrible blow to their foe and achieving the decisive position at the conference (the historical revolt), leading to Vietnam independence under their terms.

The game will contain a grand campaign scenario covering the battle from March until May, as well as other (intermediate or shorter – see below) scenarios based on different starting days or limited to specific areas (Gabrielle or Isabelle ‘Points d’Appuis’, or even the off-map sectors of the Vietminh supply networks, where a guerrilla war of its own may occur).

We plan to also provide the players with interesting options to explore potential what-if situations.

The player will also find in the game historical events. Those can be strictly historical or random depending on their nature, and/or depending on the game setting (historical scenario or what if). A more efficient French air force or Artillery? The intervention of US B29 bombers from Guam flattening Vietminh artillery positions? More Soviet and Chinese support? Or, on the contrary, a scenario where all external events occur at exactly the same time as in History.

Most events generate even more immersion, sticking to a historical reality. All are carefully designed, with extensive historical research, to go beyond the game, to bring its playful dimension closer to what could be a highly interactive history book.

Scenarios list

  • Gabrielle: a short scenario (5 turns) on the first attack on that French strongpoint at the northern end of the fortified zone.
  • The Battle of the Five Hills: from March 30 to April 7, one day per round, a battle taking place around Dominique 3 and Eliane 2. A 6-turn intermediate scenario.
  • Dien Bien Phu Alternative Campaign: the entire battle from March to May 1954. This campaign allows you to choose options at the start of the game (a stronger French garrison, Viet Minh regiments not deployed at Dien Bien Phu, etc.), as well as the possibility of launching Operation Vautour (the option exists, but the delay between the moment the option is chosen and its completion means that the operation may not take place). A 56-turn scenario.
  • Dien Bien Phu Great Historical Campaign : the entire battle from March to May 1954. All major events are strictly historical (with some latitude on dates, for re-playability) and very few ‘what-if’ options. Operation Desperado (engagement of anti-Viet-Minh maquis, such as the “Cardamone” maquis) to relieve Dien Bien Phu from enemy pressure, and Operation Condor (with the Godard relief column), which historically began before the fall of the entrenched camp, occur in this campaign as in the alternative campaign. A 56-turn scenario.




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Historical, Indépendant, Strategy

Cold war

1h to many…

1 or 2 (in PBEM)

Avalon Digital