SGS Battle For Shanghai : First September Update

Hello everyone, this is the first update in September. The main content of this update is balance adjustment, the specific update content is as follows:


  • New cards and units: 16th Division (IJA)
  • New independent unit free unlocking mechanism:
  • Chinese Army: 4-6 independent units (artillery, tanks) are randomly unlocked each turn
  • Japanese Army: 8-12 independent units (artillery, engineers, tanks) are randomly unlocked each turn
  • Reduction in the replacement point consumption of Japanese air units.
  • Added the Veterans attribute to Japanese units: in each battle, each unit can cancel the first step loss.
  • Strengthening of the elite infantry units and army heavy artillery units of the Japanese Army: every 1 point of hit will cause 2 points of step loss.


  • Adjustment of the movement cost of crossing the Huangpu River: 2MP→4MP.
  • Adjustment of the Japanese landing mechanism in Hangzhou Bay: change from reducing VPs for the Chinese to gain of VPs for the Japanese.


  • Fixed the bug of IJN carrier-based aircraft loss.
  • Fixed the bug of AI units wandering between different landing boxes.

The next update is expected to be on September 15th.