SGS Rules

Compass 1940


This is the Afrika Korps Compass scenario, the O’Connor offensive vers Italian Army late 1940.
The Italians invaded on September 13, and after brief success, stopped and dug in around Sidi Barani. Commonwealth forces then dug in to protect Mersa Matruh.

  • The Commonwealth forces are well organized and well led by General O’Connor, with better tanks.
  • The Italians led by Graziani have lower morale, poor tanks, and limited mobility. They must desperately block the enemy attacks, but be ready to retreat to fight another day.

The scenario starts after the initial invasion, where the Commonwealth forces are preparing to counterattack in early December (Operation Compass). Can the Italians hold position, or even advance? Can the Commonwealth crush the Italians and move into Libya?

Be careful of the supply lines for the Commonwealth, as early success can outrun your supply!

The game Cards and Events allow full replay ability thanks to the numerous various situations that they create on the environmental, diplomatic, military, or political fields.


Duration: 2h00
Favored Side: Commonwealth
Most Difficult Side to Play: Italians

The Compass scenario lasts 8 turns with each turn representing 2 weeks, starting December 8, 1940.

The Commonwealth player always plays first.

The Commonwealth forces include British, Indian, Australian, New Zealand, South African, Free French, Greek and RAF units.
The Axis forces include German Army, Italian Army, Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronautica units.


The map represents northern Africa, from Tripoli to the Nile and Suez Canal. There are two Theaters: Libya and Egypt.

Many Italian Metropolitan Infantry units are limited to a strip of land 2-3 regions from the coast, usually those with main roads and adjacent [the Coastal Road].

Regions that cannot be entered in the scenario (usually in the south) are grayed out.


The following reinforcements are received during the game (they come in addition to what can be obtained through cards or events). They may receive some new units (e.g. trenches, depots, mines or obstacles) via the use of cards.

The Commonwealth player receives reinforcements on:

Turn 7: March 1-14
RAF 11 Sqd, 37 Sqd, 38 Sqd, 39 Sqd, 73 Sqd, 3 SAAF Sqd


Most Italian Metropolitan and Blackshirt, non-motorized, Infantry have their movement restricted and limited to locations main with roads or adjacent to them (which are usually
2-3 regions from the coast). They are identified with an Italian shield on the unit. SGS Italian home icon

Exceptions are local units such as 1 Sibelle, 2 Pescatori, 3 Gennaio, 61 Sirte, 62 Marmanica, 63 Cirenne.

Each side receives 1 replacement every second turn. All other replacements and constructions are handled by cards.

There are two cards drawn each turn in this game, and players may keep up to 10 of them in hands.

SUPPLY SOURCESSGS Modern Supply source
– For the Commonwealth units: Alexandria, ports,
– For the Italian units: Tripoli.

Nb: Axis cannot use harbors to get supply via Sea due to Royal Navy superiority (while the Commonwealth can receive supply from unblockaded ports)

Both sides benefit from a partial fog of war, i.e. the player cannot see what an enemy stack contains (only a flag is displayed on those). To observe the enemy content, you need to play a Reconnaissance card (Air or Land).

Only Armor and Leaders can initiate a Breakthrough.

Mechanized units, Artillery, some motorized units and Fighters, Fighter-Bombers and Dive-Bombers Air units may accompany a breakthrough.


Links for the PDF versions

SGS Afrika Korps – Fact sheets (PDF) : Grand campaign 1941Short 1942 campaign.
Scenarios : Battleaxe 1941Compass 1940Crusader 1941 –  El-Alamein 1941Operazione E.

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