Other Windows and Messages
A/ Scenario Presentation
Players can open the rules booklet and some Scenario Information sheets within the game from the Main Menu or when playing from the Menu button (top left of the screen). See illustration below.

NB: the information sheet can be re-accessed at the start of any new turn.
After the first turn, the I button is accessible in the “New Turn” window that pops up at the start of each new turn. In the next version of the game, the information sheet will also be accessible from the player’s side shield in the top interface. See Illustration 4.1, info 2.
B/ Information on Sides

In a future version of the game, more information on the side you play will be made available at any time during the game, by clicking on the active side shield. At the moment, the only effect is to color regions with the side’s color.
C/ Tooltips
Tooltips are present on a great number of game elements, such as unit’s stacks on the map. Note that some more complete tooltips will appear not immediately but after a short delay of 1 or 2 seconds, so be patient.
D/ Battle Log
In the battle screen, at the bottom middle of the battlefield, there is a battle log that lists all the events that occurred during the battle. It can be an interesting feature for those who want to examine in details what happened during the battle.
See Illustration 21.1 on the right.