How it Works
The principle of the Pre-Orders is to let us know which games in our proposed planning are of interest to players, and to sort them by priority of production and release to the community. Also the information is crucial for us as we need a certain number of games orders to assign the work force to produce them.

When a game is proposed to our community, it enters the PREORDERS section, with as much content as we have (which will be updated regularly) and a target number (between around 300 usually, depending on the scope). Each time an order is placed, the order list is increased by one, get closer to the target threshold. Once the threshold is reached (or exceeded), the game enters the IN PRODUCTION section.
At this stage, the price of the game is heavily discounted, as we need the community support and in exchange we are ready to offer a good deal. The ordering players will receive an official confirmation of their order by email within 48 hours.

When a game is IN PRODUCTION, the team proceeds to work on the game at full strength, in order to have it available in the best of time. Indication of planning will be published and updated regularly, as well as progress reports and new screenshots of content.
At this stage, it will be still possible to order the game, but the price of the game is a bit less discounted than in the PREORDERS period (but still interesting). The ordering players will receive an official confirmation of their order by email within 48 hours.
Also, when the first game prototype is validated on STEAM, all players will receive their game KEY and, if they want so and after exchanging with us, will be invited to participate in the BETA testing phase.
Once a game is completed, it will leave the preorder section and move to the full shop access (ours or Steam), at the regular price.
Therefore, by ordering in advance the games, you are helping us choosing which game to do, and giving us the means to ensure the production process goes smoothly, as well as getting the game at a good price. And you will receive by email a Steam key for your SGS games once each game is released.
We hope the formula will please you. Feel free to write us – via the site contact form – if you have ideas or suggestions.
The SGS Team