SGS Samurai Battles is the first game of the SGS Battle series in the modern era. Three key battles that took place in 16th century Japan are represented, during one of the most unsettled periods in its history, the Sengoku Jidai, the age of the “warring provinces”, or rather of the “Warrior states”.

With the game, you can play the following battles:
- Nagashino, June 28, 1575.
- Shizugatake, June 11, 1583.
- Sekigahara, October 21, 1600.
Nagashino, June 28, 1575
Nobunaga leds the alliance with the Tokugawa and mets the Takeda on the morning of June 28 in the Nagashino valley. Attacking frontally over unfavorable ground and under the fire of arquebusiers who poured out a hail of lead from fortified positions, the superb Takeda cavalry was cut to pieces after a bloody battle.
Shizugatale, June 11, 1583
The reckless Morimasa embroiled himself in the siege of Shizugatake, a fortified hill where he was taken by surprise by Hideyoshi’s forces. He was a master in the art of forced marches, and his cavalry rode at full speed by torchlight. The battle opened before the first light of dawn, and quickly turned in the attacker’s favor as they overthrew the enemy, driving him back towards the North.
Sekigahara, October 21, 1600
The Battle is considered one of the most significant battles in Japanese history. It pitted two rival factions against each other: the Eastern forces led by Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Western forces led by Ishida Mitsunari, in a battle that lasted throughout the day. The Eastern forces consisted of samurai from various clans, including Tokugawa’s, while the Western forces were composed of samurai from the Mori, Shimazu, Ukita clans, and others. In total, around 160,000 men (both combatants and non-combatants) participated in the battle, which took place on a vast plain near the town of Sekigahara.
Game scale
As most of the SGS Battle series games, the scale is more grand tactical or low operational than strategic. In those battles for instance, each location on the maps is about 300 m center to center, and the units represent groups of warriors from 500 to 1000 men.
Like the other games of the collection, focus is on activating your units via orders to win the battles. Leadership and proper management of troops mix and combat attitudes are keys to success or defeat.