The Strategy Game Studio

Latest news from SGS

Avalon Digital

From our Dev blog

New partnerships in Korea

We have a great partnership ongoing now with two companies in Korea: Gomnaru Games and Smilegate. Gomnaru Games is a Korean boardgame startup that designs and publishes Korean History Boardgames. We are collaborating with them on SGS Korean War and several SGS series game translations. They are in charge of designing next Avalon Digital games about Korean History. They will …

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Spring schedule for SGS releases in 2023

A spring update for the planning and anticipated release schedule for the future SGS games currently In production : May 4: SGS Nato's Nigthmare Summer: SGS We the People Winter: SGS Spain at War September: SGS Fall Weiss Summer: SGS Battle for Stalingrad Fall: SGS Battle for Hue Winter: SGS Battle for Madrid

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SGS We The People Video Preview!

LT Gaming has made a useful preview of our upcoming wargame on the topic of the American Revolutionary war. Enjoy ! SGS We The People planned release date is next summer.

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Publisher Weekend sales 2023

-50% to -60% off on many games from Avalon Digital. April 20-24 2023.

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SGS Nato's Nightmare : teaser

Here is a new short video for the upcoming SGS Nato's Nightmare, planned for may 2023. See also our article SGS Nato’s Nightmare Concepts and Presentation.

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SGS Taipings april update

SGS Taipings has been updated, see the changelog below for more details. FIXES Fixed error in River Fleet card. Fixed Feng Yunchen still present in 1857 while he had died in 1852. Fixed arrival of leader Luo Dagang. Changed the values of Mongol cavalry to match their actual historical capacities (1 less in all of attack, defense, movement and morale. …

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New on SGS website ! We've improved our Press page to include a selection of several useful gameplay videos available from different YouTube channels reviewing our games.

Preorder System - Upcoming wargames

SGS - NATO’s Nightmare

NATO vs Warsaw Pact - Germany 1985.

$29.99 $22.50

Planned release date : may 2023.
SGS NATO's Nightmare
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